This is my very first blog and my very first blog post, I hope you will understand that I will be making mistakes from time to time and find patience. This first blog post will be about how I wear kimono during winter here in Finland, where the avaridge temperature is about -20C.
My first layer of cloth consists a pair of long underwear and if it's cold or windy a long sleeved shirt. Your arms will be the place that suffers the most so it's important to shield them. I also use a turtleneck, sleeveless knitted shirt if I'm wearing just for fun. My padding is made from a folded towel so that goes over the undergarments.
From Fuyou |
From The New Kimono by Nanao Magazine |
Layering and the fold is shown in pictures.
When going out, shield your neck with a scarf and wear a hat to shield your head and ears. Glows are a good thing to have. You can wear a haori, michiyuki or a cape, it's recommandable to wear a jacket. Wether to wear shoes or zori/geta is up to you, but mostly during winter I wear shoes. I have a bad blood circulation in my feet and so my toes freeze very quickly. Once it was very cold and I had 4 pairs of socks and still my toes were numb with cold when I got home from work. If you have warm feet, you can manage in zori/geta, but if you have cold feet and the weather is really cold, I recommend a good, warm pair of shoes.
From Noppin |
And so, these are my humble advices on winter and kimono. I hope you have found some help with these and can enjoy kimono even in winter.
It seems that Finland has a really cold winter. I get sweat easily here in Indonesia. Sometimes, I only wear kimono slip and kantan eri instead of juban during anime convention since it's really hot and crowded during the event.